Where every day has a story to tell Sneakers, bici-taxi, and car reflections in Havana.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Her working hands: A woman rolls a cigar in one of Holguin's cigar factories.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz The New Man: A cardboard graffiti shows a young woman staring at a portrait of Che Guevara in Central Havana. The wink to the machismo and tyranny of the guerrilla man was later vandalized.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Helping others through the end: A group of kids running Havana's Marhabana marathon show their resilience and solidarity.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Vendor with swagger: A produce vendor in Central Havana shows his style and class and seems completely unbothered by the camera.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Who's hungry? Two "abuelitas" make quesadillas and tacos in San Miguel de Allende's Valle del Maíz.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Yoga practice in the city of Holguin.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Sombrerero: A Mexican vendor shows his goods in San Miguel de Allende.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Character and wisdom: Three men sit in the shade taking a break from their construction work in Old Havana.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Shoe polisher seat in Central Havana.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Creativity: Two men use oxen to carry drinking water in Sagua de Tanamo.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz An elderly couple walks in the city of Holguin savoring ice cream.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz A young man in Old Havana sits on the trunk of his Chevy waiting for a client.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Juxtaposition: The love-hate relationship between the Cuban government and the US dollar is in full display... even in towels.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz Fidel Castro's famous "Revolution Concept" brings a wink to communist hypocrisy in this Central Havana market: Will they change EVERYTHING that needs to be changed?|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz The two comandantes: Communist propaganda is everywhere in Old Havana, even in buildings in decay.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz A "fonda" catering to the needs of travelers and local with really good prices in San Miguel de Allende.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz A tourist rides his bike in Central Havana, completely oblivious of the collapsing building next to him.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz A power line worker trades safety for comfort and style, deciding to wear a sombrero instead of a hard hat. He fears the sun more than the fall.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz D.U.M.B.O. in New York City, a view of the Manhattan Bridge.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz A lady in a public kitchen serves food for locals in a remote area of the Cueto municipality.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz With the guard high up: Pro-communist propaganda is never absent anywhere in Old Havana.|Credit: Reynaldo Cruz Diaz